Appmobi Html5 Xdk Download
Overview This product is no longer being developed or updated for new operating systems and devices. Developers may continue to use the final version of Intel® XDK, however product support will be provided by the Intel XDK community. If you are building IoT applications, we recommend that you take a look at Intel® System Studio or Arduino Create.
Intel® XDK is an integrated development environment (IDE) for creating mobile and IoT applications using JavaScript. It is cloud-based and originally designed to make use of Cordova. for mobile apps. Subsequent versions included the ability to use the IDE to enable JavaScript programming on an Intel® Edison and Intel® Joule™ platform. ATTENTION: As stated on our July 10, 2017, Intel closed the Intel XDK Build Service.
Download Intel Xdk
On Tuesday, January 30, 2018, all remaining Intel XDK Cloud Services will be retired. You will have until Monday, January 29, 2018, to retrieve any Android. keystore files stored in your Intel XDK account. After that date, Intel will purge all data from the Intel XDK Cloud Services and you will no longer be able to retrieve your Android keystore files. See the “Android Signing Certificates” section in for additional help.
Appmobi Project life cycleFinally you will get the Development environment.To see the source code of your application goto -edit source code.See the below video that explains the various features in the XDK.Update: Another video explains the latest version.Update: As phonegap is acquired by Adobe.The framework will be renamed to “Apache callback”.Do you think this tutorial is useful?? If Yes, Share/Comment below. You can also Get Regular Updates.
Appmobi Html5 Xdk Download For Laptop
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