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  2. School Handbook Template
  3. Elementary School Handbook Template

How many paid sick days do you offer? Workers' Compensation Does your company have a workers' comp policy (it's required in most states)? NoYesHealth Insurance Does your company offer health insurance for regular employees? NoYesPay Period How frequently do you pay? Direct Deposit Do you offer direct deposit of payroll? NoYesFull Time Hours How many hours do you have to work to be considered a full time employee?


Performance Review How often do you have a performance review with employees? Human Resources and Payroll Manager Enter the name of the person responsible for Human Resources in your company.Enter the name of the person responsible for payroll your company. How many employees do you have? Select number of employees. The free basic handbook is a well written document that can serve as a temporary or partial employee handbook.

It contains some important language and is a useful tool, serving as a basic framework for your company.The Comprehensivehandbook is a more exhaustive document and contains useful policies, procedures, standards and ideas. These additional sections offer a complete framework that you can modify to suit your needs. The comprehensive manual has been generatedfor you and is ready to download when you upgrade your account. The 5 Things Every Handbook NeedsYour employees are one of your most valuable workplace assets and each comes with his or her own share of personality, work ethic and style of communication.

Employees can be complicated! Clearly communicating your workplace goals, expectationsand standards doesn’t have to be. Whether you are looking to create a comprehensive document that closely addresses a range of specific policies or you are looking for a bare bones document that simply covers your bases, here are the fivemost important statements every handbook needs:. Who you are- The Mission StatementAs a company, your mission statement is an imperative piece of information that you owe your employees. That’s right. Iron maiden the bbc archives rarest. You owe your employees a statement about your company’s purpose in orderto give them an honest opportunity to embrace your unique vision. The ability to spell out what your company represents and where it wants to go is the first step in creating an atmosphere of clear, transparent communication in your workplace.While job duties differ, everyone you employ should be working toward the same goals.

Handbook Template Word

By following your company’s guiding principles, everyone should be using the same standards to fulfill your company’s mission. By communicating yourvalues, tone, culture and direction, you give your employees the key to how to succeed. Your expectations- Statement of PoliciesThe minimum expectation of your employees is the line you draw clearly in the sand with your handbook. This section should cover your policies and your code of conduct, which, at a minimumshould include harassment and discrimination policies as well as the person employees should contact if an HR issue arises. Federal law prohibits harassment and discrimination based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationalorigin, disability, pregnancy and other protected classes. You must enforce these policies or risk facing a lawsuit you may lose. Employees should have complete understanding that harassment and discrimination are never tolerated.

School Handbook Template

Areyour managers tired of feeling stuck on repeat? If attendance, hygiene, dress code, safety, drug testing, internet policy or anything else are issues that management has to address on any kind of regular basis, you might consider puttinga policy in the handbook to save everyone some breath. The At-Will RelationshipBy now, you have clearly laid out both who you are as a company and the minimum that you expect from your employees.

In a perfect world, this is all you would need. In the real world, employees come andgo, and it doesn’t always end well. The bulk of employee lawsuits stem from wrongful termination claims. While your company may be stocked from wall to wall with wonderful people, it only takes one disgruntled employee who feels that heor she has been wronged unfairly to file a suit. Even a lawsuit without merit can cost a company unnecessary dollars, hours, resources and stress. If your company is located in an at-will state (and most are), you need to spell out thatyour company can terminate any employee at any time for any reason. Otherwise, you need to lay out a clear termination policy that you can literally follow “by the (hand)book” when dismissing an employee.

Oh, by the way- A Disclaimer for all of your disclaimersA Handbook is considered a living document. It can change as your company grows, however, you might not want to update your handbook every year.

Elementary School Handbook Template

Fortunately, with a gooddisclaimer, you shouldn’t have to. Your mission statement, policies and procedures aren’t likely to change drastically or often. Even so, it’s impossible to cover every unforeseeable event in your workplace, nor should your handbook tryto do so. You must have a statement that says your handbook is neither exhaustive nor comprehensive, that policies may change at any time and that the handbook does not serve as a contractual offer or promise of employment. This disclaimergives management the versatility it needs to act as it sees fit when your company is faced with a range of issues. Acknowledgment- The “I understand” signature statementHaving a handbook does you absolutely no good if you can’t prove your employees read and understood the contents.

Be sure your employees sign and date the acknowledgment page,then file it in the employee’s personal file. Then congratulate yourself for both protecting your company and communicating so effectively with your employees, your company’s most valuable assets.If you have any questions, we're happy to help! Send us an e-mail to.

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