Creative Curriculum Study Starters Pdf Download
Product DescriptionSubject: English, Project Based Learning, Bundle, ALL 6 Studies, Book Discussion Cards 01-22Grade: Pre-kFile Type: 22 PDF (Acrobat) Document Files (Compressed Zip File)Please be sure that you have an application to open this file type before downloading and/or purchasing.File Size: MB / 22 PDF’sIf you are a preschool teacher and use the Creative Curriculum by T eaching Strategies Gold, this product was made for you!The Complete Book Discussion Cards MEGA BUNDLE comes right from the Teaching Guide, so you maintain fidelity to the program and make learning fun. Using Boardmaker clipart makes the information accessible for diverse learners in your classroom, as well as ELL's.
Creative Curriculum Study Starters Balls
Creative Curriculum Study Starters Pdf Download 2017
The engaging visuals are not distracting, and offer cues for young learners to understand new concepts.➤ What's Special About the BUNDLE?.Includes resources for all 22 books included in your 6 studies:.Beginning the Year.Balls.Clothes.Buildings.Trees.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle➤ How To Use It:The Book Discussion Card Supplement BUNDLE will keep your Story Time/Read-Alouds engaged as children use the components to make sense of the story, and dive deeper with each read-aloud.First, choose a size (half page/full page) for your Book Discussion Card Supplement, and print them out. If you have access to a Smartboard, you can project the slides as well.Next, you can either laminate each one to read for every Read-Aloud, or place them in a plastic sheet protector to change out with every read-aloud. If you have access to a Smartboard, you can project the PDF file and go paperless!.The vocabulary cards can be used in a pocket chart, an anchor chart, memory game, sentence starters, retelling the story, the possibilities are endless!When displayed in the same area, students enjoy referring to it throughout the day, and it's an effective visual to demonstrate fidelity to the curriculum for classroom visitors. Win, win!Once students have a consistent visual cue for the read-alouds, they are more capable of participating in the discussions about the book.
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