1. Cultural Awareness Activities
  2. Diversity And Inclusion Fun Games
  3. Where To Buy Diversity Beans

Ice breaker activities make excellent team bonding activities and get to know you games. In a large group, an icebreaker game lightens the mood and increases interaction. These are perfect ice breaker party games for the family reunion.Who says that because you're family you'll know one another? It's just not so.

Families grow and change just as much as the individuals in them. Since your last family reunion, chances are good that a lot has changed. Cousin Sally is remarried and has 4 step-kids, Uncle Harold lost 50 pounds, and your nieces and nephews suddenly grew 12 inches and look like their older siblings. Take the E-Course -Work through the family reunion planning process by focusing on three phases of printed materials. Baby PicturesCollect baby pictures beforehand from family that will be in attendance. Have participants guess which picture belongs to whom. For clues, you could provide current pictures in addition to the baby pictures, or provide list of names to choose from. Pictures VariationAlter these ice breaker activities as needed.

For example, instead of identifying reunion attendees by their baby picture, use pictures of (ages could vary) and let attendees guess who's who. Do You Know Me?As people arrive, give each individual an index card and a nametag of another person. They must circulate and ask questions of everyone about the person on the nametag, using the phrase 'Do you know me?' The index card is used to jot down clues, conversations and information collected. When everyone arrives, or at the end of a designated period of time, each person uses their notes to introduce the person on their nametag. Fun icebreaker gamesThese group icebreakers and ice breaker activities are perfect get to know you games for the family's initial gathering at the reunion.

Talk FestForm two rows of people and have them stand back to back. On a given signal, everyone turns to face each other and talks non-stop - about anything and everything - for 30 seconds. Broom DanceThis is a variation of musical chairs, played with an odd number of people and one broom.

While the music plays, everyone dances in pairs. When the music stops, everyone has to switch partners. One person will end up having to dance with the broom during the next song or until the music stops again. DictionarySomeone picks an unfamiliar word from the dictionary and asks everyone to write a made-up meaning to the word. Everyone takes turns reading their definition and then guessing the correct version. If you want to keep points, divide into teams and pick one word and definition to read to the other team.

Cultural Awareness Activities

Each member of the guessing team has a chance to say 'yes,' that's the true meaning of the word, or 'no,' it's not. The reading team scores one point for every 'no.' Score the most points by finding strange words with unlikely definitions. Two Truths and a LieEveryone writes three things about themselves on a piece of paper - two true statements and one lie. Each person then reads their own statements and everyone else tries to guess which one is false. Two Truths and a Lie VariationAlter ice breaker activities as needed.

Diversity And Inclusion Fun Games

Jelly bean game diversity and inclusion educationActivities

For this variation, gather everyone's statements, which were written withOUT names attached. Then read one card at a time, first guessing who wrote the statements and then guessing which statement is false. Human BingoGive everyone a piece of paper with a series of questions on it, in bingo format (squares). Guests must circulate and find someone who can answer 'yes' to a question and sign their name in that square. No one can sign for two questions. Play until everyone (or not) gets a 'bingo.'

Nivea no doubt free mp3 download. Sample bingo squares:has been a competitive athlete has completed a 5K knows how to ballroom dance can name (number) of cousins is from (state or town) has traveled abroad can speak more than 2 languages knows when the family picture is scheduled shares your same zodiac sign Show & TellBeforehand, ask everyone to bring something to the social/dinner/reunion that means something special to them. Take turns sharing. (If they brought nothing to 'show,' participants simply 'tell.'

) Ice Breaker Activities As introductory activitiesThese ice breaker activities are meant to help everyone remember each other's names. AutographsGames that include collecting signatures make great ice breaker activities. Find the person's name on your list (or in the family directory) and get them to sign. Better yet - find out how each person is related and then get them to sign. Who Am IPlace nametags of other people on each person's back. Participants have to ask everyone else questions to figure out the name on their back.

When they find out who they are, participants can switch the nametag to the front. This game is often played with names of famous people.

But you could also use names of ancestors or fictional characters. You could even alter the game by using nametags of other family members in attendance. Have everyone ask questions that will lead them to the real person who's nametag they are wearing.

M&M'sWithout stating why, invite everyone to grab a small handful of m&m's but not eat them (yet). For every m&m, each person must say one thing about themselves. This also works well with a roll of toilet paper. Pass the roll around and invite everyone to tear off some toilet paper - as much as they want.

Where To Buy Diversity Beans

Then each person must say something about themselves for every toilet paper square. Do You Love Your NeighborThis is one of my favorite ice breaker activities. Everyone stands in a large circle. One person, the caller in the middle of the circle, begins by asking someone, ', do you love your neighbor?' He/she can answer one of two ways. If he/she says, 'Yes, I love my neighborsand , but I REALLY love people (who have May birthdays, from Texas, who are wearing red, etc.),' then everyone matching the stated criteria must find a new spot in the circle, at least three spaces away. The person answering the initial question may also say, 'No, I do not love my neighborsand ,' at which point those two people must trade places.

In either scenario, the person without a spot after everyone moves, is the next caller. We'd Like to WelcomeThis is one of those ice breaker activities that work well at the beginning of your family dinner or picnic. Create a list of categories or characteristics reflective of the members of your family. (Or you could format this game as a getting to know you quiz.) Announce each category one at a time, inviting everyone to whom the statement applies to stand. This is a great attention grabber, plus it's fun to look around and see who's done what.

Start with something like, 'We'd like to welcome all members of the family.' Enter Your E-mail AddressEnter Your First Name (optional)ThenDon't worry — your e-mail address is totally secure.I promise to use it only to send you Kindred Connections.Nonverbal IntroductionsSimilar to a game of charades, have everyone introduce themselves or pantomime something about themselves, without talking. Work as one big group or divide into teams and keep score. ICE BREAKER ACTIVITIES BECOME ICEBREAKER GAMES FOR KIDSJust like adults, kids can benefit from fun icebreaker games, too. These are easy ice breaker activities that you can have in your back pocket in case you need them or have them set up on a side of the room and ready to go as guests arrive. Balloon BounceHow many times in a row can you bounce a balloon off your head?

Stand kids in a circle and have one child go at a time OR have all the children take turns bouncing the balloon without letting it touch the ground. (If you're going to be outside and there's a chance of wind, save everyone some heartache and choose another game!) Bean Bag TossPlace a bean bag some distance away on the floor and create a line from which players stand to toss a second bean bag. The object is to get one bean bag as close as you can to the other bean bag - but withOUT having them touch. Cereal Box CityThis is one of many easy, fun team building games for kids. Provide a bunch of empty cereal boxes, some tape and a large work space.


Have the kids work together to build a giant city. Add other recycled items and small toys, such as and people, as needed. Treasure HuntBuild a simple for the kids. If coming up with your own clues is too much brain strain (been there, done that), I recommend finding one of those 'print and play' treasure hunt games designed for a particular location or function. Jelly Bean HuntSpread a bunch of different colored jelly beans in the grass. Then assign each child (or pairs or groups of children) a color and give them a small bag. On a given signal, they are to collect that particular color (and only their assigned color) of jelly beans.

See who can collect the most within a given amount of time. What's MissingPlace 8-10 random items on tray. Let the children look at and try to memorize what's there. Take the tray out of the room and remove 1-2 items from the tray. Present the remaining items to the group and let them figure out what's missing. Submit your own ideasWhat are your ideas for ice breaker activities and fun family reunion games??

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