1. Valentina Lisitsa Wiki

Fifty years ago, a white haired woman stood on a stage in Bad Godesberg, a small town south of Germany’s Cold War capital, Bonn. She stood for twenty minutes as the crowd stomped and applauded her performance of a series of Beethoven pieces on the piano.The pianist, Elly Ney, was one of Germany’s most talented during the Third Reich.

But her political loyalties and actions caused her to be banned from ever playing again in the birth city of her beloved Beethoven, Bonn. Of her exile she said: “I will never go back to Bonn. I prefer to play in a prison since the people there are not so demanding.” As talented as she was, the Bonn city council could not tolerate Elly Ney’s Nazi past – and would not allow her to publicly play any piano within city boundaries.In the 1930’s Elly Ney was noted among German musicians for her enthusiastic anti-Semitism. She considered, for example, the work of Richard Strauss’s librettist, Stefan Zweig to be “ugly, Jewish-demonic.” Jazz to Elly Ney, was also dangerous due to its racially “impure” qualities.In 1933, Ney refused to perform in Hamburg after she was asked to replace a Jewish pianist, Rudolf Serkin. For her, replacing a Jew was unbearable.A devout member of the Nazi party, the pianist supported Hitler’s efforts to remove Jews from important posts including the cultural sector and was pleased when Jewish musicians were no longer allowed to perform in Hitler’s Germany. Elly Ney Playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata Movement 3After the war, Elly Ney was banned from playing in Bonn and an appeal to that ban was rejected in 1952: she was condemned by the Bonn city council as a “pronounced National Socialist.” The formerly Nazi town of Tutzing, in southern Bavaria, briefly embraced her as an honorary citizen in 1952.

Sam sparro tour. But her Nazism was too embarrassing and they stripped her of that status after her death 1968.Despite the anti-Semitic zeal during the Third Reich, the people of Bad Godesberg still showered Elly Ney with rapturous affection in April 1965. It was no matter for them that she was a prominent member of the Nazi who actively supported the elimination of an entire race: her piano would still play on for them in Bad Godesberg.

Valentina Lisitsa making her case on RTDecades later and thousands of kilometres away, a Russian pianist who supports Vladimir Putin’s neo-fascist regime has come under similar scrutiny in Canada. In Toronto, the piano of an enthusiastic supporter of the Kremlin repression will not play on. The musician, Valentina Lisitsa, was told that she would not play her concert at the TSO this week due to the extremist views she expressed on social media about Ukraine and Ukrainians.While the two cases are not the same (Ney played Beethoven while Lisitsa plays Rachmaninoff) the question of an artist’s “freedom of speech” is common to both. Ney expressed her anti-semitism and hate for other races publicly during the Third Reich and Lisitsa expresses her hate for Ukrainians via modern public mediums. I think there are some false parallels here.Lisitsa is a Ukrainian and proclaims it herself. Ney would never call herself a Jew.Lisitsa has never tried to stop somebody else from performing, as Ney did.And the parallel between Putin and Hitler is both ridiculous and offensive.Entirely apart from his murder of nearly all of continental Europe’s Jews Hitler killed millions more in a horrific war — all in a span of about 12 years (1933 to 1945). In Putin’s 13 years in power he has allowed the Crimea to rejoin Russia — peacefully.And i think if you’re looking for egregious conduct the invasion and destruction of countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya is a lot worse than Putin’s tepid support for the folks in Donetsk and Lugansk who just want their freedom.


Elly Ney was right about Hitler and the Third Reich and Valentina is right about Putin, no doubt! But sadly, Valentina needs to research Hitler and the holocaust more thoroughly and she will see that the true evil was NOT done by Hitler and his officers, but by Jewish communists/supremacists such as Lenin and Trotsky and their comrade, Joseph Stalin, who tortured, raped and murdered tens of millions of innocent people throughout the Ukraine, Russia, Germany and other regions throughout Europe. Putin and Hitler were men of integrity and not torturers, rapists and murderers as Jewish Historians and their Jewish owned news media have purposely misguided the masses with through their art of propaganda!

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There is a new twist in the saga that is the Toronto Symphony Orchestra’s handling of controversial pianist Valentina Lisitsa. Now, the scheduled performances in which she was replaced earlier this week have been cancelled entirely — and her replacement partially blames the “mob-like behavior of her devotees.”“In light of this week’s events, the TSO has taken a decision to remove Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2 from this week’s programme,” the. The concerts originally set for Wednesday, April 8 and Thursday, April 9 will now focus entirely on Mahler’s Fifth Symphony.Popular Ukrainian-born pianist Lisitsa was after “ongoing accusations of deeply offensive language by Ukrainian media outlets,” according to the TSO.

Toronto born-and-raised pianist Stewart Goodyear was slotted in as Lisitsa’s replacement prior to the concerts’ cancellation on Tuesday night.A statement on the same evening outlined the attacks the Canadian pianist said he endured after being named Lisitsa’s replacement.“Words of bile and hatred were hurled in my direction from all sides,” the statement read. “Suddenly I was accused of supporting censorship, and bullied into declining this engagement. What started out as one of the happiest moments of my life turned into a shattering display of mob hysteria.”.

Valentina Lisitsa Wiki

Earlier, Lisitsa’s own Facebook page contained a post suggesting that the energy of the Ukraine’s Maidan uprising a year ago had been channelled by the country’s elite and used to create division, adding that she had been called a “paid Kremlin whore.”In a statement, TSO President and CEO Jeff Melanson said the symphony had sought to avoid a negative conversation about this issue.“Unfortunately, the current hostile tone of discourse from some members of the public has created uncomfortable conditions for our performers,” Melanson said in the statement.

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