English hindi dictionary to download java application phoneky. Please update the database. Being from Hindi spoken region of India I too missed this utility in my mobile until I found following two very useful dictionaries: 1.MIDlet English-Hindi Dictionary (free Open source app): A sourceforge project app (Constantly under development). Contains almost all common and not so common words.Each word is explained in detail along with its use in sentences. Content rating: Everyone.There are many English-English dictionaries out there for mobiles (Like AED, MSDict etc) but it is hard to find a good English-Hindi (or English to other local language) dictionary.

The search field uses a full word search to identify and return exact matches to product name, manufacturer, or product code.Verify words are entered exactly as intendedThe word search will only return exact matches for the criteria specified. It will not return results for the plural or singular version of the specified text or any other variation of the word.


Searching for peanut will not pull up results with the word “peanuts” To see results for both terms enter keywords “peanut” and “peanuts” in the search bar, separated by a space.Enter multiple words or codes in the Full Text search box to look for any of the words listedThis is the same as using the OR operator. If you search: Clorox Bleach then the system will show SDS with product names or manufacture names containing the words Clorox Bleach and will also show SDS containing only one of the words. It is the equivalent of searching for Clorox OR Bleach. Note: Operators must be entered in all caps to work correctly E.g.

“OR” and not “or”.Use the operator AND to limit results to those containing all words searchedTo narrow results and only display SDS that match all words entered in the search bar use the AND operator. Clorox AND Bleach will return only SDS with both Clorox AND Bleach in the product name or manufacturer name (i.e. Product = Bleach and Manufacturer = Clorox) Note: Operators must be entered in all caps to work correctly E.g. “AND” and not “and”.Use the operator NOT to eliminate results containing certain wordsTo eliminate results containing certain words when searching for an SDS use the NOT operator.

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Bleach NOT Clorox will return results for Bleach products that are not manufactured by Clorox. Note: Operators must be entered in all caps to work correctly E.g. “NOT” and not “not”.Searching for Product CodesTo search a Product Code, enter the number exactly as the manufacturer specifies in the search box.

Keep in mind dashes and spaces will change the matches returned in the search results. 80057 will return different results than 800-57 or 800 57.

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